ADD and ADHD are extremely common in today’s world. It’s a frequently diagnosed developmental and behavioral disorder, in much the same vein as autism. As of 2019, it’s estimated that around 84.7 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with either ADD, ADHD, or both. Though it’s become more normalized and talked about in recent years, there is still a lot of stigma and mystery surrounding it. Here at Thrive Family Chiropractic, we want to demystify this disorder and offer some potential relief in the form of chiropractic. ADD? ADHD? What’s the Difference?Officially, there isn’t a significant difference. ADD and ADHD used to be separate diagnoses, but they have since been merged under the ADHD label as more has been learned. Though the main symptom of being unable to focus is always consistent, ADHD can take many different forms. Current psychology divides these presentations into three different types. ADHD-HIThis is the type that you’re likely the most familiar with. The HI stands for “hyperactive-impulsive,” and the presentation style is exactly what you would expect. Fidgeting and squirming, a lack of volume control, endless talking, and an inability to properly gauge social cues. If this sounds like a normal child, sometimes it is. However, in the case of an ADHD-HI child, hyperactivity will impede the ability to function on a social and cognitive level, and it’s not something that can be disciplined away. ADHD-PIThis subtype is what was once ADD, and it can often go unnoticed or disregarded, as it isn’t often associated with ADHD as a whole. The PI stands for “predominantly inattentive,” and the subtype is defined by an overall sense of forgetfulness and a semi-permanent state of being lost in thought. Those with this subtype may seem lazy or careless to the untrained eye, but they cannot help how they act, and, just like with ADHD-HI, discipline is not generally effective. ADHD-CThis label is used for those who present with symptoms from both of the previous two subtypes, with the C standing for “combined.” There are no rules as to which symptoms they do and don’t display, but the lack of an attention span and ability to control their behavior remains consistent. Treatment OptionsTypically, treatment for ADHD falls into two categories: medicinal and therapeutic. Though there’s nothing wrong with the latter in concept, the former often comes with a caveat. Medicines for ADHD may help some people with symptom management, but they can make life unbearable for others. Additionally, the list of side effects is lengthy and includes a possible addiction risk in the case of Ritalin and Adderall, and the benefits of the medication don’t last once it is discontinued. That’s why Dr. Shane Hoffman wants potential practice members to know the benefits of chiropractic beyond just back pain relief. Correcting subluxations can free trapped nerves, which can correct errant signals in the body that might exacerbate ADHD symptoms. If you want to learn more about how chiropractic can help you focus, contact our office in Urbandale, on the west side of Des Moines, so that we can assist you. Chiropractic has proven to be an extremely effective method of combating ADHD symptoms and can bring about new levels of peace, focus, and calmness in those struggling with the diagnosis. Visit us today to see how we can help! Sources Fabio, Rosa Angela, et al. “Frequency Bands in Seeing and Remembering: Comparing ADHD and Typically Developing Children.” Neuropsychological Trends, (2018): 97-116. Villagrana, Margarita, et al. “Perceived Self-Stigma in the Utilization of Mental Health Services in Foster Care and Post Foster Care Among Foster Care Alumni.” Children and Youth Services Review 85 (2018): 26-34. |