Everyone who is affected by bedwetting is under a high level of stress. Bladder control issues can result in embarrassment, shame, and disruption of normal social development, not to mention the loss of sleep incurred by the whole family. The majority of youngsters outgrow bedwetting on their own, but others may require additional assistance. Although there are several products on the market that promise to help, many parents wish there was a more natural option. Fortunately, we here at Thrive Family Chiropractic can help! What Can Cause It?Though there isn’t any one set cause, bedwetting can be attributed to a number of factors. These can range from a small bladder to sleep apnea, but there are three things in particular that can lead to children wetting the bed:
It’s Not Just KidsThough bedwetting is most common in young children, sometimes adults can also have problems with bedwetting. This can be caused by the same risk factors as children. If you’re an adult who has a problem with bedwetting, seeking medical help can be scary and stressful. It is, nonetheless, advisable to take the plunge and see a chiropractor like Dr. Shane Hoffman. Here at Thrive Family Chiropractic, we aren’t going to pass judgment because we deal with similar situations all the time. How Can Chiropractic Help?Chiropractic care can help by eliminating any irritation of the nerves that control bladder function. The sacrum is a region of the spine where these nerves emerge from the spinal column and into the legs. The sacrum is one huge fused bone in adults that is extremely resistant to injury. During childhood, however, the sacrum is divided into five pieces. If these segments become misaligned as a result of a fall or other sort of trauma, the nerves that control bladder function may be compromised. While chiropractic isn’t commonly thought of as a cure for bedwetting, it has helped countless children. If you want to learn more about what chiropractic can do for you or your child, contact us at our office in Des Moines and schedule a consultation today. Sources Walker, Rosina. “S.O.T Chiropractic and Nocturnal Enuresis in Children.,” NZCA News, no. 35, 2019. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&as_ylo=2018&q=chiropractic+bedwetting&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DPPzCJPz29UEJ Hu, Hui Jie, et al. “Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Psychological Effects of Primary Nocturnal Enuresis in Chinese Young Adults.” International Neurourology Journal 25.1 (2021): 84. https://dx.doi.org/10.5213%2Finj.2040398.149 |